No seriously, isn't that the expression on his face in that picture? He's like, "Oh Wow, you're going to give that to me? All for me? Really? It's not pureed squash? disguised as a cupcake?"
Anyway, it really happened. At four o'clock on Saturday afternoon my baby boy turned one. A week of birthday party angst all turned out in the end, but man am I glad it's over.
If you've read my earlier blogs, you know that we had a party at the park planned for Saturday. We have this wonderful park nearby way up the hill with awesome views of both mountains and a kick ass playground, plus a big covered picnic shelter with tables, electrical outlets, and a massive stone fireplace. We figured it would be perfect. After all, last year the week before the Chunk was born I was outside in big old pregnant shortalls (yeah, I know it's a funny visual, stop laughing and read) and I was planting flowers. And sweating. Because it was hot enough to wear shorts. And panting. Because I was two thousand weeks pregnant. So we thought that a park party would be rockin'.
Fast forward a year to this past Friday when snowflakes the size of silver dollars were sheeting down from the sky. Oh was I ever a basket case. But we sucked it up and changed our plans and moved the party to the W house, with an "open house" style vibe and lots of food and cupcakes. And in the end, it all worked out just fine. Slightly claustrophobic and lots of fun. I had dreamed of a huge sheet cake in the shape of a number one. You know, cuz he's one and that's cool and that's just how we roll. (See the November blogs for pictures of Kbear's cool bowling alley cake!) But instead I went with cupcakes. I bought cute little boy decorations and Skippy made blue frosting and we just made the best of it.
In the end I think it came out okay, don't you?
So anyway, my baby boy isn't such a baby anymore. And every time something around here happens I'm reminded that we have fabulous friends. No one cared that my house wasn't 100% clean or that they had to step on six pairs of toes to get to the bathroom. They all just came out anyway to wish our sweet boy a happy day. And THAT made it a very happy day.
So yet another W birthday party bites the dust. To those of you who took the time to come over and hang out, thank you so much for being a part of our day! For those loved ones who live in places near and far and couldn't join us, we missed you and love you!
Some of our pictures from the day (including a frame by frame display of Chunk's cupcake destroying skills) are here: