So today we decided at the last minute that we would head out to the fruit loop for an Apple Fest that one of the farms was having. By "we" I mean the girls, the baby, myself, and my mother-in-law Dixie. We left the patient at home in a Valium induced haze, loaded up Dixie's big silver truck, and hit the road.
The apple fest was a blast. I'll blog more about that tomorrow if I have time. It's kind of not the point of this particular blog and I'm tired so I'm going to skip straight to the part where we decide to go back to Alice's Orchards for some more Jonagold apples because Skippy is having a strange juicy sweet love affair with them and I *still* haven't made the kiddo's baby food yet. Twenty four pounds of apples later, we're checking out in the farm stand. Lo and behold, there in the big plastic jug at the cash register is every Mom's worst enemy.
Laffy Taffy. The bright green sour apple flavor. Five cents each.
Twenty four pounds of apples and two laffy taffys later, we are getting back into Grammy's big silver truck, both girls working their little jaws for all they are worth, slowly but surely dissolving their taffy into soft sticky bright green bits of childhood goodness in their little mouths (side benefit, this also gave us five minutes free of incessant chatter that goes something like, "that was fun! Wasn't that fun? I like apples! Hey a dog! What's his name? Where does he live? I like do-HEY! A cloud!" and so on and so forth.)
Five minutes later the girls are taking turns showing each other their bright green tongues and laughing hysterically. There is something about turning your tongue into an unnatural color that is funny to little kids. It's like the word stinkybutt. It's just always funny. All of a sudden I hear K pipe up loud and clear, "MOO-OOOOM! Banana just licked the baby!"
I immediately turn around and give Bree the stink eye. "Did you lick the baby?"
Banana looks abashed. "Um..........yessssss....."
I'm flabbergasted. "BANANA!!! WHY ON EARTH would you LICK the baby?"
Deadpan: "I wanted to see if he would turn green."
Now how in the hell am I supposed to respond to that?
Good times.
are you serious?!?!?! you have the cutest babies in the world... and don't even get me started on that picture! :*
Chuck smaaaash! He looks JUST like Charles, I CAN'T get over it. I've seen him a million times and I still can't get over it. >.<
Oh, and, by the way: green sour apple laffy taffy is one of my enemies too.
Ame, thanks for the reminder to catch up with your blog (without it it just wouldn't happen)! Glad to hear all is well...we miss you and send our love!
Did it turn the baby green?
You always leave out the important parts.
Well because Seth asked...
No. It did not turn the baby green. LOL
I WAS WONDERING THE SAME THING!? *did it turn the baby green?*
Good thing someone asked...Ps can I just tell you I stole that picture and its now my screen saver.
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