Oh yes indeed. Our first official Oregon snowfall is falling as I type!
See, we made this deal with our girls. They share a room and sometimes getting them down for the night is....less than pleasant. So Skippy made this handy dandy little chart where they get a sticker for every night that they both go to bed and we don't have to go in there and raise holy parenting hell. Right now, every twenty stickers, and they get a prize. Next chart we'll probably do every 25, but anyway it has just absolutely worked like a charm.
We've owed them their first prize for about a week now. Tonight they asked if we could go to Burger King. I know, hand over my mommy of the year award for not making them yet another home grown 100% organic meal for mere pennies here at home but a prize is a prize and what kind of parents would we be if we backed out on our promises? They wanted Burger King and the Dollar Store. Easy peasy.
So we left the Chunk with Skippy and went out for a girls' night. Many chicken nuggets, fries, and fizzy drinks later, we headed to the dollar store. Thirteen dollars later (don't ask) we walked outside and it was SNOWING.
They totally freaked out. We're talking super excitement. I was pretty darn tickled too - the flakes were so huge and fluffy - it was like someone had shook out a huge feather pillow over our heads. You could actually HEAR them coming down.
And then my sweet Banana looks at me and says, "Mommy, this is the BEST PRIZE EVER."
Like I made it happen.
How do I top that?
Hey there-
Your mom turned me on to your blog and it's fantastic....you make me smile each and everytime. Keep up the good work.....
P.S. Good job on the snow!
Careful she doesn't ask for her own rainbow as her next prize! Enjoy your snowfall. We got about half an inch last week and Em was chomping at the bit to make a snowman.
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