After three hundred and three days of agonizing, emotional, gut wrenching, disappointing, and frustrating days.....
We countered back and forth with a buyer this week and just when I was starting to think that maybe it wasn't meant to be, we all agreed on a price.
It's not perfect. We're actually losing a little bit of money in the deal. But with the market the way it is, I think we have to file this under "win some, lose some" and cut our losses and move on.
So anyway, I just signed the sale contract!
It's not a done deal yet. He still has to confirm his financing. So say your prayers - we are so ready to cut that last material Chicago tie. If all goes well, we will close on January 15th. Cross your fingers - I'll keep you posted!
Off to find a fax machine!
Yay! Keeping all my fingers crossed that the deal goes through and you can get rid of that stress!
Congratulations!!! We'll keep our fingers crossed for you!
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