Yesterday was a really nice day. We had lunch at Google, hung around the house, took naps, and made a cake. The doorbell rang ALL day. First a package came for me - it was from LL Bean and my Mama and inside was a fabulous new winter coat, just right for my new Oregon mountain woman persona. The next time it rang was for another deliver - this one of the biggest and most beautiful arrangement of a dozen roses I have EVER seen. My husband rocks. The damn things are half as big and I am and they are just gorgeous. He's a doll. Then later we got our new Wii Sports. Which wasn't for my birthday - it was actually to replace the one that Chunk decided to use to aid him in crawling around my hardwood living room floor. So even though it wasn't for my birthday I was way excited because we have missed our Wii bowling. Then Skippy schooled me in tennis. That part wasn't so fun.
Anyway, we went out for dinner at one of our favorite Mexican spots, which was fun. I wasn't too thrileld when they plopped the big sombraro on my head to sing "Happy Birthday, cha cha cha" but the kids loved it and Skippy was mighty tickled too. Then we came home and had cake and watched a new Grey's Anatomy and it was just a fabulous birthday all around. Tomorrow we're spending the day as a family in Portland and I can't wait for that either!
On a different note, one of my new year's resolutions was to be more aware of the things I eat. I saw this today and almost passed out. How many have YOU eaten?
OMG that makes me feel ill just looking at it (the link, not the cake -- the cake looks incredibly yummy!)
glad you had such a wonderful time. you deserved it! here's to saturday too :-) xx
p.s. we were doing mexican tonight at ixtapa too! didn't hear any happy birthday though heh
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