Monday, August 11, 2008

Is it even worth it?

I mean seriously - I get it now. I screwed up big time by not taking time out of my Chicago restaurant eating-mulitple mall shopping-sunny day swimming-family and friend visiting Windy City extravaganza to blog just a little bit every day. It was a HUGE mistake and now I forgive any of you who sent me a snarky email or a cross instant message. I'm flattered that you missed me, and disappointed that I haven't managed to write it all up yet. I mean at this point, it is even worth it to tell ya all about our trip?

Granted, life has been pretty boring since we got back. We've made a trip into Portland, hosted my niece for a few nights, BBQ'd with friends, picked TWELVE POUNDS of blueberries, and done the usual grind around the house - dishes, laundry, kids, rinse, and repeat. It's been quiet. I've seen new babies and visited with old friends and just enjoyed settling back into life in Oregon; Mostly I have realized that I have come to take the landscape (and life out here in general) for granted - the clear blue Columbia and the gorgeous hills and mountains that surround us are new to me again - and I've come to realize that this really *is* home. Chicago will always be a huge part of who I am - after all, it's where my story began, as they say. I see that skyline in a movie or hear a news story and my heart beats a little faster for my first home. But here, with my children and my I've really realized that home is wherever we are together, and that is all I really need.

Admittedly it was somewhat discouraging to come home to a busted computer. The one drawback to having a wonderful, smart and resourceful GEEK for a husband is that there is no such thing as 1-800-DELL in a geek's universe. Oh no my friends, real geeks build their own computers. And when something (inevitably) breaks, a true geek will tinker for hours on end to find the culprit, much like a mechanic who devotes his days off to working on cars for fun. It's endearing and infuriating for those of us who aren't tech savvy, but for the time being, my very own marvelous geek has managed to get me back online. We'll see if the band aid holds.

I'll be back tonight with a Chicago recap - at the very least a Chicago vacation timeline. Right now I have to help Skippy pack and get out the door - his new role at the Goog officially began today, and he's already being packed up and sent out of town. Such is the life of a busy father. In the meantime, the kids and I will bide our time here at home like we always do. Such is the life of a busy mama.

Edited to add that I totally lied AGAIN. I am so totally going to bed. But if the computer stays on, I will be back on it tomorrow and I WILL get this Chicago blog out of my system!

1 comment:

Katy said...

I want to see some of those fishing pictures when you get a chance!!!